Olajumoke Orisaguna, another Media Hype?

I admire everyone who has put in a word for this young woman. it goes a long way to show there is so much we can achieve together. Though I see a lot of people saying we are over flogging her issue, its what we do as Nigerians. Its how we brought on board our change agent PMB. So we like to over do things. No. We just pursue things to a logical conclusion.
Its a good thing for all the companies who signed her as their brand ambassador. Its a good thing for TY Bello. Its a good thing also for the modelling world, suddenly they are in the limelight, unlike those days when it was just artists and actors. A bread seller turned super model is ultimately the story bringing our fashion industry into limelight, designers are catching in on it, other models should catch in on it.
Just before Jumoke's big break, I listened to Tiwa Salvage recounting to the world, that she has the highest number of endorsement deals. I don't know if Jumoke is her closest competition, or if she's now the second runner up.
All I know is that Ty Bello has made history by one act of kindness, a revolutionary move for her industry, which has her industry suddenly taking centre stage; that's if anyone is doing content analysis of Social Median hypes.
All you need do is Google Olajumoke Orisaguna and you will be amazed at how much media coverage she's gotten.
Even the critics and haters are all part of the buzz, needless to say her fans. Jumoke is not even Smiling to the Bank, the Banks are smiling to her.


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